项目背景:江苏盐城市国泰高新防备技术公司主营包括软质防弹背心,防弹头盔以及防弹插板等防弹产品,产品特供给人民军队,国家暴力机关,维和部队,安保部队等。 IFPD在品牌形象上突破原有只以英文单一表现形式为主的标示,采用GOTYE的英文缩写GT为标志设计的主轴,盾形的剪影代表G,盾象征防卫代表行业特性;锤子代表T,锤子也同时象征力量,与盾的结合很有效的反应出攻与守的概念。采用香槟金色系与黑色搭配,色系高端稳重国际化,利于品牌记忆与延展。
Creative Description: Enterprise Customer Department of Yancheng City Cathay Pacific high guard technology company, the main business of the company includes a soft bulletproof vest, bulletproof helmets and bulletproof inserted in bulletproof products etc.. IFPD the brand break through the original only in English single manifestation labeling, using GOTYE as the main GT English abbreviation of logo design, shield shaped silhouette represents G, shield symbol of defense industry representatives on behalf of the T properties; hammer, hammer is also a symbol of strength, combined with the very effective shield reflect the concept of and keep the. The champagne gold and black, color stable international high-end, conducive to the brand memory and extension.